“Wiroj” believes in appointing a committee to study the jurisdiction of the country. It will not be a catalyst to disband the party.


Bangkok, "Wirot" asks the Constitutional Court for interfering in its power. "Executive-Legislative" or not? I believe it will be submitted to the House of Representatives. The committee studies the jurisdiction of the court. It will not be a catalyst for the party to be dissolved. Emphasize that it is not revenge, but it is a duty, not afraid of snakes because we saw an example - the end in the episode "Future Forward" Mr. Wirot Lakkhanaadisorn, list MP, Progressive Party, as Chairman of the Committee (Committee) on Military Affairs, House of Representatives. Giving an interview on the case of the Forward Party Proposing an urgent motion requesting the establishment of a special education commission on the scope of constitutional jurisdiction and the scope of legislative power. Is it an infringement of the jurisdiction of the court? Because the decision of the Constitutional Court is binding on all organizations, it is the duty of the legislature to study the scope of power of various organizations. 'The Constitutional Court is an independent organization, not one of the three main powers that currently interfere with the scope of the legislature. Executive power Society wonders whether the powers of independent organizations and the judiciary are connected or not,' Mr. Wirot said. When asked whether the Progressive Party wants to take back the Constitutional Court, Mr. Wirot said that it is their power and duty according to the constitutional framework. MPs will put questions in the minds of the people. Used in accordance with the duties of setting up a special committee Will it be a catalyst for the party to be dissolved or not? He never thought that this issue was the catalyst that caused the Forward Party to be dissolved. If you think the people will accept it, just do it. He did not send a signal to anyone. If there is, the request will be sent to an authority outside the system. The Progressive Party works from the hearts of the people. Make the country peaceful under the democratic system with the Ki ng as Head of State. Let it be the duty of the Election Commission. We are ready every day from the Future Forward Party. As for concerns about whether or not there will be MPs switching parties or having a cobra, Mr. Wirot reiterated that there is no need to worry, having talked with the candidates. 'Past cobra I've already seen an example. Whether it's a real snake or a hidden snake, the endings are different." Source: Thai News Agency