There is no need to seek advice on drug addiction from Thaksin.


Government House, "Thavee" confirms that there is no need to seek advice on drug addiction from "Thaksin", telling police officers - Narcotics Control Board at that time they were still doing their duty.Staying and Looking is the responsibility of leaders at all levels. Pol.Col. Thawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice Referring to the spread of drugs, Thailand has a major epidemic of drugs such as methamphetamine. More than 400 million pills have been seized since October 2023, so adjustments to methods are needed. Take action to crack down on chemicals and precursors. He will attend a meeting with the Mekong Basin countries. Including China and the United States. He also stated that from a survey of people's opinions they were satisfied with solving the government's drug problems. In this capacity as Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former Prime Minister Has work in combating drugs Do you have an idea to discuss or ask for opinions from Mr. Thaksin? Pol. Col. Thawee stated that at present, civil servants who worked du ring the era of Mr. Thaksin Still performing their duties, both police officers and Narcotics Control Board officers, which is one thing that is considered a dynamic problem solving and it must be acknowledged that before this government came to perform its duties, there were attempts to solve the problem. But with the current situation combined with the economic situation In the past, it was often found that people who came for treatment went back to using drugs again. Therefore, the lesson from this time must be taken. Let's make the community strong. which is accepted as not being able to be resolved within two days But the most important thing is that we want to return to be quality people and return to society. Create a community, create jobs As for whether to go in and ask for advice from Mr. Thaksin or not, Pol. Col. Thawee said that it would not be necessary to go in and ask for advice from Mr. Thaksin. and he already has works that can be seen 'The only big problem is responsibility. Not just one l eader But it is the responsibility of leaders at every level. If the person in charge If you don't take responsibility, it will be difficult to solve problems. Currently, there is more intensity. Even yesterday, there were prosecutions against those involved in wrongdoing within the ONCB. If we take responsibility and the officials are more serious, we will see results sooner. Source: Thai News Agency