The Constitutional Court has scheduled a decision on the fate of the ‘Prime Minister’ on August 14, 2024.


Constitutional Court, Waiting for 14 August 67 The Constitutional Court has scheduled a decision on the fate of the "PM" for violating ethics by appointing "Phichit" as a minister attached to the Prime Minister's Office. The opposing parties have the opportunity to submit a closing statement by Wednesday, 31 July 67. The Constitutional Court considered and discussed the case in which the Senate President submitted a petition from 40 senators requesting the Constitutional Court to rule under Section 170, paragraph three, in conjunction with Section 82 of the Constitution whether the status of Prime Minister Settha Thavisin as a minister has ended in accordance with Section 170, paragraph one (4), in conjunction with Section 160 (4) and (5) of the Constitution. This was because Settha submitted a request for royal approval to appoint Phichit Chuenban as a minister attached to the Prime Minister's Office, even though he knew or should have known that Phichit lacked qualifications or had prohibited characterist ics under the Constitution, as he had been previously sentenced to six months in prison by the Supreme Court for contempt of court, as a person who acted dishonestly and had behavior that seriously violated or failed to comply with ethical standards, which could result in the termination of Mr Settha's status as a minister. The Constitutional Court considered that the case was a legal issue and there was sufficient evidence to consider and rule, therefore, the investigation was terminated accordingly. Organic Act on Procedure of the Constitutional Court 2018, Section 58, paragraph one, if the parties wish to notify a closing statement of the case, they must submit a letter to the Constitutional Court in accordance with Organic Act on Procedure of the Constitutional Court 2018, Section 67, in conjunction with the Constitutional Court Regulations on Procedure of Constitutional Cases 2019, Section 24, within Wednesday, 31 July 2024. As for the petitions that relevant parties submit to the Constitutional Court, t hey must be included in the case file. At the same time, the Constitutional Court has scheduled an oral statement, a meeting for discussion and a vote on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. The hearing of the verdict is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. Source: Thai News Agency