Thai bananas have been successfully displayed in Japanese stores, with sales contracts signed for 5,000 tons.


Japan, Minister of Commerce Delighted to explore the large Japanese retailer Beisia, ready to help promote "Thai banana" after the Tokyo commercial ambassador Joining hands with the Korat Province Commerce Department, we were able to enter into a futures contract for up to 5,000 tons, successfully sending quality Thai fruits directly to Japanese department stores. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Revealed after surveying Thai products in a large Japanese supermarket, Beisia, at the Tomisato branch, Chiba Province, Japan. Yesterday evening (12 May 2024) the department store had many types of Thai fruits and products for sale such as bananas, mangosteen, mango, tamarind, sweet corn, coconut, canned chicken and fish, etc. And the highlight was Thai bananas for sale It is a result of the proactive collaboration between provincial commerce and commercial ambassadors. Until being able to make a futures contract for up to 5,000 tons, which was very popular with Japanese cons umers. And there will be a push to import more Thai products and products for sale after this. However, it has come to follow its success. From the proactive integration between the Tokyo commercial ambassador with Commerce in Nakhon Ratchasima Province who have joined together to push Thai bananas into the Japanese market according to the policy of accelerating the utilization of Thailand's FTA, where Thailand and Japan have a Thailand-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (JTEPA) which has been in effect since 2007. Japan has given special rights to exempt 8,000 tons of banana imports from Thailand, but in the past the rights have not been fully exercised. Japanese people like to consume bananas a lot. But I can only grow a small amount myself. Must import an average of 1 million tons per year. In the past, Thailand has only used this special privilege for less than 3,000 tons per year. Therefore, it aims to accelerate the export of Thai banana products by another 5,000 tons to reach the tax-free quota. Now , Thai bananas can be exported more by integrating work in all sectors. Especially organizing activities to order fruit products in advance of the Ministry of Commerce's output. By the Department of International Trade Promotion, commercial ambassadors and provincial commerce. In this regard, pushing Thai bananas into the Japanese market this time. Tokyo Commercial Attache Japanese banana experts were brought to the area to develop growing techniques to meet Japanese quality and quantity standards. and bringing the innovation of "Micro Nano Bubbles" from Lanna University Come help extend the ripening period of bananas that will be sent for sale. Meanwhile, the Korat Provincial Commerce Department coordinates with relevant agencies in the area, such as Provincial Agriculture, Provincial Administrative Organization, Subdistrict Administrative Organization, to create readiness for export to farmers, such as cold storage. Standard sorting plant On November 28, 2023, we led a group of Japanese importers. Includin g the purchasing department of Beisia supermarket, signing a sales contract in Nakhon Ratchasima province, totaling 5,000 tons, valued at 100 million baht, sold in 125 branches of Beisia supermarket, Co-op stores, which are distributed. nationwide and the OISIX platform, Japan's largest ready-to-eat food distribution platform. And the department store is scheduled to hold a Thai Festival in June in 133 branches throughout Japan. which will also have Thai durian for sale 'You can see that the bananas here are always juicy. It is caused by modern technology that Lanna University cooperates with experts. Extend the life of the fruit longer From now on, the Ministry of Commerce will invite experts to discuss. To use with other Thai fruits To be able to deliver products that are fresh and delicious From the push to sell Thai bananas to Japan, this time was successful. From now on we will make more with other fruits. To help farmers have more distribution channels. I want to develop farmers into modern agriculture and use technology to bring even more benefits,' Mr. Phumtham said. Information from the Department of International Trade Promotion informs that Beisia Company Limited was established in 1996 with a registered capital of approximately 750 million baht. It currently has over 11,200 employees and operates a large department store business. It has affiliated department stores such as Beisia (133 branches) with sales of approximately 100,000 million baht per year. The company has continuously participated in promotional activities with the Tokyo Commercial Ambassador. Currently importing fresh fruits, frozen chicken, frozen seafood. instant noodles and snacks from Thailand, totaling more than 60 items. For those interested, please contact for more information at Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP), Ministry of Commerce Or direct line to the Department of International Trade Promotion, call 1169. Source: Thai News Agency