Suggestions on how to detect if your child is autistic or not?


President of the Thai Autism Foundation Suggest ways to detect if your child is autistic or not. Emphasizing that it must start with parents accepting and understanding first. The main thing is to raise them properly. To help improve children's development Mr. Chusak Chantayanon, President of the Thai Autism Foundation and the President of the Thai Parents of Autism Association said that as a parent or family How to notice if a child is autistic or not? The basic focus is on language and communication. Most autistic children will speak or communicate more slowly than other children. Next, there's the matter of eye contact. Looking into the eyes, autistic children won't make eye contact. The result is social interaction. It will make you unable to play with other people, not paying attention to people. Some people will have strange behavior such as turning around, rocking, walking on tiptoes. All of these symptoms are generalizations. If children are developed correctly These things will be reduced. will be closer to normal children Medically, autism Autism spectrum disorder or ASD is a group of symptoms that cause impairments in language development and communication, social interaction, interaction, or behavior that is different from others. For autistic children, if parents know quickly and understand quickly, it will help improve the child's development. The most important thing is to have a doctor diagnose and evaluate the symptoms. In the end, if taken care of properly These children will grow up well. Not different from normal people The highlight is that this group of children has a good memory. Some people remember history. Some people remember the route very well, memorize maps, etc., but there may be obstacles in processing or trying to communicate. On the other hand, if autistic children are not raised or seen by a doctor for proper development, Children will live in their own world. If he stays too long and is not in the real world, it is worrying because he will have his own world. If we enter i ncorrect information, the processing will be inaccurate, incomplete, and in the future we will not be able to adapt to other people. It is a point of concern. Meanwhile, statistics around the world show that the number of autistic children is increasing. There are 2 main causes: 1. There are wider criteria for diagnosing autism. To get children into the care system as quickly as possible 2. From the proportionate increase in the childhood population The data in Thailand found that the ratio was 1 percent of the childhood population. It is assumed that each year there will be new autistic children born. An average of 5,000-6,000 children per year has led to an estimate that Thailand has approximately 200,000 autistic children, but data from the screening system and disability certification system There are approximately 25,000 people, making us believe that there are still many autistic children who still do not have access to help Source: Thai News Agency