“Seree” insists on approving the Senate first, then can take it down later.


Parliament, "Seree" disagrees with setting up a committee to investigate the selection of senators, stressing that approval is first, then removal is possible, asking for an open mind to accepting lower-level people who have little knowledge and are not rich. Mr. Seri Suwanphanon, a member of the Senate, stood up to debate the motion to set up a committee to inspect the selection of senators in 2024, saying that his discussion and opinions may not be the same as his fellow members, but when it comes to the debate, he has thought and thought again. However, conflicts in the final stages of not looking at each other or talking to each other may occur. However, when thinking about it, what he expressed was an important duty of being a senator who has different opinions from many fellow members. If he did not present or speak, it would be considered as performing an ineffective and irresponsible duty. He would be ashamed because being a senator is considered one of the highest sovereign powers. With my experie nce and knowledge in law and my past as a Constituent Assembly member in 1997, I have written many laws. If I do not speak, I will be considered incompetent. Previously, I had expressed my opinion on the process of selecting senators, saying that it was an abnormal process that the Election Commission should consider. However, the content of the proposal never interfered with the Election Commission. The term 'independent organization' according to Article 215 of the Constitution states that independent organizations are established to have independence in performing their duties in accordance with the Constitution and the law. If the Election Commission is corrupt and violates its duties, there is a chance that it will be held responsible and may be imprisoned. According to Article 109 of the Constitution, it is stipulated that the current senators must perform their duties until a new senator is appointed. I do not want them to be removed from their duties as senators because they have a criminal case pend ing against them. In the past, I rarely gave my opinion or let the committee do anything about the selection of senators. It's not that I didn't do my job, I just wanted to do it. But the law stipulates that being a senator doesn't allow me to interfere with the selection of senators because at least there are many people who see it as a vested interest that must be done. If we don't get a new group, we have to continue to stay. Even though everyone's intention is not to stay, I believe that. But given the situation and the events, it's undeniable that there is a vested interest because I am in a position with power and have the duty to check this inspector. Therefore, when checking, there is a vested interest. When there is power, it becomes an interference and intrusion. Therefore, it is a matter of law that when being a senator while acting, is it the duty of the senator or not? When the establishment of the study committee, in these matters, can it actually be done? It is considered a vested interest. If it is a general matter, it can be set up, but in this matter, it is considered impossible. Importantly, many people say to certify first and then vote later. I don't see any law on this. In this regard, Mr. Seri opened the constitution, opening Section 225, saying that after the announcement of the election results or the selection, if there is credible evidence that any candidate has committed fraud in the election, the Election Commission must file a petition with the Supreme Court to order the revocation of the right to vote. They say it can be voted off. He insisted that he did not conflict with his fellow members. He asked the Election Commission to expedite the investigation and approval. This is the duty of senators to be open-minded and accept that their terms have ended and a new group has come in. With what qualifications, if they do not violate the constitution or say that they sell noodles, fried bananas, or drive cars, these are desirable qualifications for these people to become senators. Mr. Seri also said that for the next group of senators to come in, we must be happy to have people of the draft level, who may not have much knowledge, are not rich, and do not have influence, but may come from a group that has been selected. However, if any group or color, we must accept that if they break the law, we will be punished. If we do not want the blue group, we will want the orange group, or the red group until we are satisfied. No matter what color we want, there is no way we can end it. We must accept it. Therefore, I do not agree with the establishment of the committee, seeing it as an interference in the work of an independent organization. Source: Thai News Agency

“Seree” insists on approving the Senate first, then can take it down later.


Parliament, "Seree" disagrees with setting up a committee to investigate the selection of senators, stressing that approval is first, then removal is possible, asking for an open mind to accepting lower-level people who have little knowledge and are not rich. Mr. Seri Suwanphanon, a member of the Senate, stood up to debate the motion to set up a committee to inspect the selection of senators in 2024, saying that his discussion and opinions may not be the same as his fellow members, but when it comes to the debate, he has thought and thought again. However, conflicts in the final stages of not looking at each other or talking to each other may occur. However, when thinking about it, what he expressed was an important duty of being a senator who has different opinions from many fellow members. If he did not present or speak, it would be considered as performing an ineffective and irresponsible duty. He would be ashamed because being a senator is considered one of the highest sovereign powers. With my experie nce and knowledge in law and my past as a Constituent Assembly member in 1997, I have written many laws. If I do not speak, I will be considered incompetent. Previously, I had expressed my opinion on the process of selecting senators, saying that it was an abnormal process that the Election Commission should consider. However, the content of the proposal never interfered with the Election Commission. The term 'independent organization' according to Article 215 of the Constitution states that independent organizations are established to have independence in performing their duties in accordance with the Constitution and the law. If the Election Commission is corrupt and violates its duties, there is a chance that it will be held responsible and may be imprisoned. According to Article 109 of the Constitution, it is stipulated that the current senators must perform their duties until a new senator is appointed. I do not want them to be removed from their duties as senators because they have a criminal case pend ing against them. In the past, I rarely gave my opinion or let the committee do anything about the selection of senators. It's not that I didn't do my job, I just wanted to do it. But the law stipulates that being a senator doesn't allow me to interfere with the selection of senators because at least there are many people who see it as a vested interest that must be done. If we don't get a new group, we have to continue to stay. Even though everyone's intention is not to stay, I believe that. But given the situation and the events, it's undeniable that there is a vested interest because I am in a position with power and have the duty to check this inspector. Therefore, when checking, there is a vested interest. When there is power, it becomes an interference and intrusion. Therefore, it is a matter of law that when being a senator while acting, is it the duty of the senator or not? When the establishment of the study committee, in these matters, can it actually be done? It is considered a vested interest. If it is a general matter, it can be set up, but in this matter, it is considered impossible. Importantly, many people say to certify first and then vote later. I don't see any law on this. In this regard, Mr. Seri opened the constitution, opening Section 225, saying that after the announcement of the election results or the selection, if there is credible evidence that any candidate has committed fraud in the election, the Election Commission must file a petition with the Supreme Court to order the revocation of the right to vote. They say it can be voted off. He insisted that he did not conflict with his fellow members. He asked the Election Commission to expedite the investigation and approval. This is the duty of senators to be open-minded and accept that their terms have ended and a new group has come in. With what qualifications, if they do not violate the constitution or say that they sell noodles, fried bananas, or drive cars, these are desirable qualifications for these people to become senators. Mr. Seri also said that for the next group of senators to come in, we must be happy to have people of the draft level, who may not have much knowledge, are not rich, and do not have influence, but may come from a group that has been selected. However, if any group or color, we must accept that if they break the law, we will be punished. If we do not want the blue group, we will want the orange group, or the red group until we are satisfied. No matter what color we want, there is no way we can end it. We must accept it. Therefore, I do not agree with the establishment of the committee, seeing it as an interference in the work of an independent organization. Source: Thai News Agency