PT points out that it is a good result that the council moved to discuss the community radio law faster.


Pheu Thai Party, Pheu Thai spokesman points out that it is a good result that the parliament has postponed consideration of the law. Community radio faster tomorrow Looking to make information accessible anywhere Ready to support draft labor laws that are beneficial to the people Mr. Danuporn Punnakanta, List of MPs And a spokesman for the Pheu Thai Party said that the Pheu Thai Party is pleased to have whipped the government. Bring the draft Broadcasting Business Act and Television Business (No.) B.E..... Amendments to the Broadcasting Business Act and Television Business 2008, proposed by Mr. Adisorn Piangkas, Pheu Thai Party list MP, has been moved up for consideration at the meeting of the House of Representatives on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, from the original schedule to enter parliament on that day. Wednesday 13 March 2024 This is because in the old law There are certain provisions that limit the ability of the public sector to engage in occupations. Therefore, this matter should be considered. To pro vide maximum benefit to the people in receiving information thoroughly. and also promotes the creation of the local economy. For this draft of the Act The important thing is that radio operators, community radio Can earn income from donations Station subsidy or other income sufficient to manage the station without emphasizing profit. From the beginning that could not be done So there is no income. Unable to compete and grow The Pheu Thai Party has always acknowledged this problem. which during the seizure of power by NCPO community radio frequencies were previously under the supervision of the NBTC. The security department has taken over the control instead. Make the radio operator Unable to carry on business as usual including people in the area unable to access Didn't have the opportunity to fully understand the news. As for the draft labor law that will be considered at the House of Representatives meeting tomorrow (March 6), the Pheu Thai Party is ready to support draft legislation that is beneficial to people in all sectors. To enter education in the committee level Ready to offer The committee on the proportion of women's organizations came to consider the issue of the appropriate number of days for maternity leave. Breastfeeding and raising children This will also affect wage compensation. By insisting on supporting legal principles that can actually be implemented. It is accepted by stakeholders in society. and is beneficial to driving the country's economic system . Source: Thai News Agency