Proposes punishment only for the Ministry of Finance. Not dissolving the party


Democrat Party, "Chalermchai" asks the Political Development Committee, etc. Opening the way for political parties must be easy to birth, difficult to die. If the Provincial Administrative Committee breaks the law, they will be punished as an individual. Not dissolving the party Mr. Chalermchai Sri-on, leader of the Democrat Party Giving an interview before the meeting with the House of Representatives Committee for Political Development, Mass Communications and Public Participation, he said that as for political parties, we must accept that today political parties are difficult to establish but easy to die. Hard to be born but easy to die Therefore, today there are problems that should be solved in order for political parties to be strong. It should be easier for political parties to form. Because when it is easier to set up, it will allow for a variety of political parties to develop. And political parties should be set up with faith and ideals to drive them. It will allow political parties to move forwar d. The Democrat Party leader said that the Democrat Party has endured for more than 78 years because it has a clear ideology. which I think is important And the matter of party membership is another part where party membership should be voluntary. And there should not be expenses that should be a burden for Thai people. Importantly, the government should allocate sufficient budget for political parties to move forward. In order to really promote democracy and the last part that I want to talk about is the dissolution of political parties. It shouldn't happen these days. If the party executive committee breaks the law The party's executive committee should be punished. 'Political parties are individual driven organizations. If the person is not good The executive director is not good. It should punish the person severely or they can disqualify them for life. that makes this group of people not dare to do Because the dissolution of political parties will be an unending cycle. If it can be fixed, I would like to leave the committee I want to tell the council that You must make political parties easy to birth and difficult to die. And it is not difficult to be born, but easy to die and support political parties The state must come in and take care of membership of a political party. There should not be expenses, party maintenance fees, these things, I think that will be the party's position,' Mr. Chalermchai said. Democrat Party leader Mentioned the discussion of the draft budget bill. Expenses for fiscal year 2 and 3, confirming that Democrat Party MPs discussed them fully as always. The party has a strategic committee. There is a working group that will help MPs do their work. No matter what status you are in Confirm that the Democrat Party is doing its best. As the opposition, it performs its duties perfectly. Politicians put the interests of the people and the country at their best. Source: Thai News Agency