Prepare to submit a report to AMLO to investigate the financial route.


Parliament, "Capt. Thammanat" explains the issue of ALRO overlapping the national park. Point out that it's not just Pak Chong. But there are people all over the country, cursing furiously, "There are a lot of wicked people," saying that evil government officials must be punished. Prepare for AMLO to examine the financial path. Reported that the meeting of the House of Representatives The meeting was chaired by Mr. Wan Muhammad Noor Mathao, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Considered the live question thread by Mr. Apichart Sirisunthorn, MP, list of progressive party. Set up a live question thread Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives In the case of issuance of rights documents The ALRO overlapped at Khao Yai National Park in Moo Si Subdistrict, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, until it became a dispute between the two agencies regarding an unclear boundary line. By the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Citing the Khao Yai National Park Decree of 1962 whi le the Land Reform Office Claiming to follow the royal decree Defining agricultural land reform zones in 1991 Mr. Apichat asked about the status of the report at the Royal Thai Survey Department. reported to the Prime Minister that the said area has no overlap and is outside the boundaries of Khao Yai National Park. Can it be used to decide conflicts or boundary disputes? Can it be used in place of the map attached to the Royal Decree? Or is it just the opinion of the Prayer Department only? Capt. Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, explained that in fact he would like to postpone his clarification today. Because I want to receive a clear report. and according to the law first But because it is an issue that society is interested in, we decided to answer. For the disputed area It did not happen at only one point in Moo Si Subdistrict, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. But it happens all over the country. This is because government agencies in each ministry claim thei r own maps. The Ministry of Wealth cited the Royal Decree of 1962, while the ALRO also had the Agricultural Land Reform Act of 1975, which allocated land for people to use for farming. I didn't plan to take it from me and just did it, but there are steps and laws to support it. 'Neither agency is at fault. But this has happened since we were born. Until in 1995, the Minister of Agriculture at that time issued a road along the fire protection zone or buffer zone. to be a patrol road But they forgot to enact a law to announce it as a royal decree. Therefore leaving us to have to sit and argue now that this is an overlapping area. So I don't want to argue who is right or wrong. Each of us performs our duties for the country, the country and the people. Don't forget that we As a legislative branch Because I am also a member of the House of Representatives of Phayao Province. The city hall is still in a forest area. The size of government agencies is still barbaric. Living in illegal land Therefore reform is nece ssary. In the previous government, since 2023, it is likely that a sub-committee will be needed to solve the one Land one Law problem in order to use the same law, the 2017 Constitution, and have the same map throughout the country. It's not that each person holds their own map. It's not that when the problem will end. Come let us sit and argue in the House of Representatives,' Capt. Thammanat said. Reporters reported that While explaining A fire alarm sounded. Capt. Thammanat said: "I wonder if my electricity will be strong," before explaining further. The Prime Minister ordered the Royal Thai Survey Department to be one of the committees to solve the problem, leading to the announcement on February 27. to confirm that the said area is in the land reform area But the problem is not over. Each side confirmed it, so it was necessary to enter into One Land One Law, which is the source of ordering the central agency such as the Ministry of Defense to prepare a central map or One map. Capt. Thammanat said that the report that the Royal Thai Survey Department reported to the Prime Minister is not yet considered the end of the process. and is not yet effective Because when the matter was not yet finished, it was sent back to the One Map sub-committee to proceed again. Both the National Parks Department and the National Park Service Area Office had made an agreement to wait for clarity from One Map first. In the meantime, each side took a step back. and he ordered the withdrawal of documents from ALRO. 4-01 in all 5 disputed areas along with an order prohibiting entry into the area. and set up an investigation committee Issuance of such rights documents and transfer of officials Those involved came to the central office, all 6 officers, because they received information that Documents may have been issued illegally. 'I have sent my counsel to file a legal complaint. at the National Anti-Corruption Office Because I am confident that the agency is fair and direct. I'm not sure of my people on the committee. To prosecut e the girl to whom? There is no finished mold. Who is wrong? In addition to serious disciplinary violations, legal action must be taken. Importantly, tomorrow the secretary of the AMLO will write to the secretary of the AMLO to seize all assets and return them to the country. This disputed area must be preserved as a forest. But what type of forest it will be depends on the agreement between the two agencies. Therefore, the duty of the Permanent Secretaries of both ministries is to order your subordinates to stop talking,' Capt. Thammanat said. Then Mr. Apichat Got up and asked the second question: Have you ever received a report from ALRO regarding the Department of National Parks Suay opposes the embroidery of ALRO. Twice in October 2023 and has the NBTC ever written a letter inquiring about the same matter twice? And if they have ever received a report, what orders have been given? Capt. Thammanat said that this matter happened before he took up the position of Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Go ing back to July 5, 2023, at that time pinning began. Until the process of issuing rights It took no more than 3 months, which showed suspicion that it was illegal, which he had not received a report on. 'After that, it was found to be suspicious, so we had to take legal action against the operator. Leading to the transfer of all 6 ALRO officials from Korat and having them pursue disciplinary and criminal cases. He insists he is not silent. and ordered to stop all operations And after that is the point I am in Buriram Province. Hurry and fly into the area immediately. Because he understood that there was a serious quarrel, he hurriedly came with no intention of harassing fellow officials from either ministry because both ministries were from the same party and confirmed that both ministries There is no dispute as reported. Therefore, when solving problems when officials do not report it, it is considered wrong," Capt. Thammanat said. Mr. Apichart asked the third question, saying that he agreed with the prin ciple of allocating land for farming to the people, but in the case of problems affecting trustworthiness, therefore, there is a way to prevent corruption and rebuild trustworthiness. How? Have you received any reports on how many areas are still in dispute? For example, in the case of Khao Yai National Park. But Capt. Athammanat There was only 37 seconds left to answer, causing the meeting chairman to increase it to 1 minute. Captain Thammanat Said that he intended to answer this matter in just 1 minute, unable to answer everything, so Mr. Apichat said that he had a lot of time left. Therefore, I would like to give this time to Capt. Thammanat to answer. Capt. Thammanat then explained that he acknowledged that there is a lot of land that overlaps with the ALRO area. The people, whether it be the P Move group, the people of the 4 regions, and the Assembly of the Poor, that were prosecuted in more than ten thousand cases It is a matter of arable land. Today let's help each other solve the problem. He received the report late. Is it your own shortcoming? He supervises the Land Office, an area of ??more than 40 million rai. There are ALRO officials in 72 provinces, as if there are 72 police stations. Any police station that leads subordinates to perform duties illegally will be punished. If you do not report yourself, you will be punished. It is like having 10 fingers, any one that is rotten must be cut off. But do not assume that the land reform policy will fail. 'We have to ask whether farmers are satisfied with the policy of changing ALRO land to title deeds or not. Go ahead and ask a million people, how many people will reject it? will know the information When you know that there is overlapping land, what should you do? We have to go back to the first question, which is to use One Map. Today I have set up a special committee with the deputy leader. ALRO is the head of the special operations team. Look at all the areas being converted. ALRO is the title deed for all 1.7 million families of farmer brothers and s isters who have rights to agricultural land. and have held them for more than 5 years. They will go in and dissect them all to see if they are real farmers or not. The ALRO secretary has to work harder than before. To build confidence among farmers,' Capt. Thammanat said. Capt. Thammanat said that the majority of the country's more than 52 million people rely on the Ministry of Agriculture. But the Ministry of Agriculture doesn't think it's certain. Please listen to the voices of your fellow citizens. If you don't have one in your era, please check. Commissioners who want to go and see work at the ministry can be invited. But the fact that yesterday he did not come to explain to the Land Commissioner is not an evasion. Because I want to answer myself today. Don't want to argue in the room. I want to answer in the House of Representatives. Let all the brothers and sisters in the land see What is solving the problem is not just Khao Yai alone. But it happens everywhere. that there will be land reform or become government land, so we must review and learn the lessons of Khao Yai which he ordered as a clear policy that in the following overlapping areas between the park and ALRO strictly prohibits providing this to the public. Eliminate problems with elephants and people The big issue still can't be solved. Then he went to allocate land for agriculture next to Khao Yai. 'Do you have conscience or not? It shouldn't be done. What do the villagers plant? The elephant came and destroyed it. At the same time, they were unable to control the villagers. There may be additional intrusion. which the conscience should not place in such a place But what happened It's a matter in my family. I have to deal with it. I have to punish these people. There are a lot of wicked people, Mr. President. Evil civil servants like this must be punished. In my era, there were none. I assure you, Mr. President. Permission to use Mr. Chaiwat's words: There's no such thing as a handsome ending. If it weren't for him, we'd be wrong. To punish and impose disciplinary and criminal punishment. In order not to continue being like our civil servant brothers and sisters. The highest and hardest thing is that I took the AMLO. Let's examine the entire financial path. Prepare yourself for what you have created throughout your life. You will be left with zero or negative or go to jail. I'm not an exception. and don't care about the inside face, the Brahma face Or are you going to be a magnate or something? I will take it back because it is government land, belonging to the King. It should be given to the people who own the country,' Capt. Thammanat said. Source: Thai News Agency