Police recommend 6 ways to prevent and prepare for fires


Pol. Lt. Gen. Sirawat Deepo, deputy spokesman of the Royal Thai Police, said that following the fire incident in the Trok Pho community, Yaowarat Road, Samphanthawong Subdistrict, Samphanthawong District, Bangkok on July 6, which resulted in injuries and a large amount of property damage, Pol. Gen. Torsak Sukwimol, the national police chief, is concerned about the public regarding the fire incidents. He has therefore ordered the Royal Thai Police to inform the public about the methods and practices to prevent fires in order to increase safety and reduce the risk of such incidents in 6 ways as follows: 'Installation and maintenance of electrical systems' You should check the electrical system in your home to make sure it is in perfect condition and choose electrical equipment that has been certified, especially extension cords and batteries. 'Proper use of electrical appliances' Electrical appliances should be turned off when not in use and avoid using multiple power strips at the same time that exceed the power rating of the power strip. 'Handling of combustible materials' You should sweep away materials that may easily catch fire, such as paper, foam, dry leaves, or trash that may catch fire, from your home or areas at risk of fire. 'Preparing fire extinguishing equipment' You should prepare equipment for initial fire extinguishing, such as a water bucket or sand bucket. If possible, you should have a fire extinguisher at home for emergency use. 'Preparedness' should include studying evacuation routes, using fire extinguishing equipment, and practicing fire drills. 'Do not obstruct fire fighting.' Do not place objects or park vehicles that obstruct fire fighting equipment or the road, as this will hinder the work of the officers. If the public sees a fire or needs assistance, they can call the fire hotline 199, hotline 191, or the Royal Thai Police hotline 1599, 24 hours a day. Source: Thai News Agency