Police confirm “Big Joke” still has the right to be a candidate. Police commander even faces criminal charges


Bangkok, An expert Police Commissioner points out that "Big Joke" being criminally prosecuted is not yet a restriction on his rights. In the race to be Police Commander, the law allows him to oversee the Prime Minister. Can use discretion From the case of Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakpal, Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police (Deputy Police Commander), admitted to the charge of conspiracy by agreeing with two or more people to commit money laundering crimes. and there was a violation of money laundering because of a conspiracy and were officers working together to launder money At Tao Poon Police Station and received bail On the evening of April 2nd Later there was news that disciplinary action would be considered against Police General Surachet or not? Recently, Pol. Gen. Aek Angsananon, an expert police commissioner, gave his opinion on the matter. There are two issues that must be dealt with simultaneously: 1. Litigation. Most recently, Police General Surachet He surrendered himself to the investigating officer. The matter of the case must be investigated at the investigative level. The investigation officer will summarize the investigation and present the investigation file with an opinion on whether to prosecute or not to the prosecutor. If the prosecutor orders a charge, it will be forwarded to the court. If the order is not filed, the case must be sent back to the Royal Thai Police for comment. If the Royal Thai Police disagrees with the prosecutor's order not to prosecute It must be sent to the Attorney General to make a final decision. Pol. Gen. Aek stated that if any decision is made, it will be settled accordingly. If entering the consideration process when filing a lawsuit in court, it will be in accordance with the criminal procedure law. then go on to proceed with the matter of consideration in the court Until the court issues a verdict, whether it be the Court of First Instance, the Court of Appeal, or the Supreme Court, it depends on the facts of each court's decision. which is a matter specifi ed by law According to the time frame, which will take some time to consider this case. Pol. Gen. Aek said that another part of the case where a civil servant has to find a criminal case must be reported by the accused person. Pol.Gen.Surachet Must report to the commander, namely the Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police. Even though at the moment I'm going to help the government. But there is an acting Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police. In order for disciplinary action to be considered. This report will be combined with the report of the investigating officer who received the matter. Pol.Gen.Surachet He surrendered and reported his behavior regarding the case. Sent to supervisors in the hierarchy up to the Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police. To consider setting up a committee to investigate the facts. or appoint a committee to consider disciplinary punishment It is within the discretion or power of the National Police Commissioner. Pol.Gen. Aek said that as for the consideration of disciplinary puni shment The committee that conducts the operation can have an opinion on whether it is wrong or not. Will it be serious discipline or not? If the discipline is serious, opinions can be given for punishment, which will be expulsion or dismissal according to the facts that have been investigated. Discipline is a separate process. and can conclude disciplinary offenses without waiting for the results of criminal cases There is a time frame for consideration, depending on whether a fact-finding committee will be appointed first or a disciplinary investigation committee will be appointed. It is expected that the disciplinary procedures will be more concise than those in criminal cases. Because the process of considering and weighing evidence is not like a criminal case, when accusing someone of a criminal offense that carries a prison sentence, the evidence must be looked at clearly if a decision has not yet been made. Being accused is still considered innocent. There is constitutional law to support it. As for the disciplinary aspect, investigating various evidences, even though there is no clear evidence to the point of being a serious disciplinary violation, punishable by dismissal or dismissal, the committee or supervisor considers that all actions are tainted. If you stay, it may cause damage. There may be an opinion to leave government service first. When asked about the process for considering suspension from government service Can the acting government official proceed or not? Pol. Gen. Aek said that it is the power of the acting government official. But if the accused is The authority of the Police Commander belongs to the Prime Minister, but Pol. Gen. Surachet is the Deputy Police Commander. The commander is the person who currently holds the position of National Police Commissioner, who is the Acting National Police Commissioner. When asked about the issue of being charged with a criminal offense, it will affect being named as a candidate. Will he be the next police commander or not? Pol. Gen. Aek said that on this issue, in fact, all information has a process for both criminal and disciplinary action. There must be a period of time to proceed. If asked whether it would be related to the appointment or transfer like there was an assumption or someone had always suspected that criminal proceedings were a matter of kicking and amputating a leg. Pol.Gen.Surachet I would like to say that the process of appointing the police chief It began around October 2024. This part of the law gives power to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister can use his discretion to consider the Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police. There are 4 candidates, including Pol. Gen. Surachet. When asked if the way Pol.Gen.Surachet Possibility of being appointed as a committee member and subject to criminal prosecution. Will this be a restriction on rights or not? Pol.Gen. Aek said that he would like to confirm that it is not yet a restriction on rights. Because the Prime Minister can nominate Pol. Gen. Surachet has been subject to the leg al framework set forth in terms of seniority, knowledge and ability. Investigative experience and matters of behavior There will be issues in which society has questions about whether a criminal case or a disciplinary investigation committee must be appointed. Will this be relevant and how? It depends on how the Prime Minister will consider it. The Prime Minister will use his discretion to consider and submit a proposal to the Police Service Commission meeting for approval in accordance with laws and regulations. The Prime Minister has the right to make proposals. As for the limitations mentioned Or there are issues that are being asked, it must be up to the Prime Minister to consider. Source: Thai News Agency

Police confirm “Big Joke” still has the right to be a candidate. Police commander even faces criminal charges


Bangkok, An expert Police Commissioner points out that "Big Joke" being criminally prosecuted is not yet a restriction on his rights. In the race to be Police Commander, the law allows him to oversee the Prime Minister. Can use discretion From the case of Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakpal, Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police (Deputy Police Commander), admitted to the charge of conspiracy by agreeing with two or more people to commit money laundering crimes. and there was a violation of money laundering because of a conspiracy and were officers working together to launder money At Tao Poon Police Station and received bail On the evening of April 2nd Later there was news that disciplinary action would be considered against Police General Surachet or not? Recently, Pol. Gen. Aek Angsananon, an expert police commissioner, gave his opinion on the matter. There are two issues that must be dealt with simultaneously: 1. Litigation. Most recently, Police General Surachet He surrendered himself to the investigating officer. The matter of the case must be investigated at the investigative level. The investigation officer will summarize the investigation and present the investigation file with an opinion on whether to prosecute or not to the prosecutor. If the prosecutor orders a charge, it will be forwarded to the court. If the order is not filed, the case must be sent back to the Royal Thai Police for comment. If the Royal Thai Police disagrees with the prosecutor's order not to prosecute It must be sent to the Attorney General to make a final decision. Pol. Gen. Aek stated that if any decision is made, it will be settled accordingly. If entering the consideration process when filing a lawsuit in court, it will be in accordance with the criminal procedure law. then go on to proceed with the matter of consideration in the court Until the court issues a verdict, whether it be the Court of First Instance, the Court of Appeal, or the Supreme Court, it depends on the facts of each court's decision. which is a matter specifi ed by law According to the time frame, which will take some time to consider this case. Pol. Gen. Aek said that another part of the case where a civil servant has to find a criminal case must be reported by the accused person. Pol.Gen.Surachet Must report to the commander, namely the Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police. Even though at the moment I'm going to help the government. But there is an acting Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police. In order for disciplinary action to be considered. This report will be combined with the report of the investigating officer who received the matter. Pol.Gen.Surachet He surrendered and reported his behavior regarding the case. Sent to supervisors in the hierarchy up to the Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police. To consider setting up a committee to investigate the facts. or appoint a committee to consider disciplinary punishment It is within the discretion or power of the National Police Commissioner. Pol.Gen. Aek said that as for the consideration of disciplinary puni shment The committee that conducts the operation can have an opinion on whether it is wrong or not. Will it be serious discipline or not? If the discipline is serious, opinions can be given for punishment, which will be expulsion or dismissal according to the facts that have been investigated. Discipline is a separate process. and can conclude disciplinary offenses without waiting for the results of criminal cases There is a time frame for consideration, depending on whether a fact-finding committee will be appointed first or a disciplinary investigation committee will be appointed. It is expected that the disciplinary procedures will be more concise than those in criminal cases. Because the process of considering and weighing evidence is not like a criminal case, when accusing someone of a criminal offense that carries a prison sentence, the evidence must be looked at clearly if a decision has not yet been made. Being accused is still considered innocent. There is constitutional law to support it. As for the disciplinary aspect, investigating various evidences, even though there is no clear evidence to the point of being a serious disciplinary violation, punishable by dismissal or dismissal, the committee or supervisor considers that all actions are tainted. If you stay, it may cause damage. There may be an opinion to leave government service first. When asked about the process for considering suspension from government service Can the acting government official proceed or not? Pol. Gen. Aek said that it is the power of the acting government official. But if the accused is The authority of the Police Commander belongs to the Prime Minister, but Pol. Gen. Surachet is the Deputy Police Commander. The commander is the person who currently holds the position of National Police Commissioner, who is the Acting National Police Commissioner. When asked about the issue of being charged with a criminal offense, it will affect being named as a candidate. Will he be the next police commander or not? Pol. Gen. Aek said that on this issue, in fact, all information has a process for both criminal and disciplinary action. There must be a period of time to proceed. If asked whether it would be related to the appointment or transfer like there was an assumption or someone had always suspected that criminal proceedings were a matter of kicking and amputating a leg. Pol.Gen.Surachet I would like to say that the process of appointing the police chief It began around October 2024. This part of the law gives power to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister can use his discretion to consider the Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police. There are 4 candidates, including Pol. Gen. Surachet. When asked if the way Pol.Gen.Surachet Possibility of being appointed as a committee member and subject to criminal prosecution. Will this be a restriction on rights or not? Pol.Gen. Aek said that he would like to confirm that it is not yet a restriction on rights. Because the Prime Minister can nominate Pol. Gen. Surachet has been subject to the leg al framework set forth in terms of seniority, knowledge and ability. Investigative experience and matters of behavior There will be issues in which society has questions about whether a criminal case or a disciplinary investigation committee must be appointed. Will this be relevant and how? It depends on how the Prime Minister will consider it. The Prime Minister will use his discretion to consider and submit a proposal to the Police Service Commission meeting for approval in accordance with laws and regulations. The Prime Minister has the right to make proposals. As for the limitations mentioned Or there are issues that are being asked, it must be up to the Prime Minister to consider. Source: Thai News Agency