No one has yet made a request to use the gathering space.


Government House, "Chatchat" reveals the opening of the city square area to be a gathering area. for safety Reduce problems on the road But no one has made a request to use the space. Mr. Chatchat Sitthiphan, Governor of Bangkok Met with Mr. Settha Thewin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. To discuss land and building taxes After the discussion, it was mentioned about the use of gathering areas in Bangkok that Bangkok is willing to use the area for gatherings. But no one has submitted a letter requesting to use the space. 'There are currently open gathering spaces. is the area of ??the city square As long as the people in the protest group give us a letter, we'll be happy to let them use the space. To make it a safe space For those who are interested, you can come and listen. and so that there will be no problem with traffic And if more is needed, they will consider finding other areas as well,' the Bangkok Governor said. Source: Thai News Agency