Minister of Justice points out that it is Thaksin’s right to appeal for justice.


House, Pol. Col. Thawee, Minister of Justice, points out that it is "Thaksin's" right to request justice for the Attorney General in the Section 112 case if the investigating officer is threatened - there is something Motivate Pol. Col. Thawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice Referring to the case of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former Prime Minister. Prepare to request justice to the Attorney General's Office in the Section 112 case, claiming that the investigator was threatened by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), saying that this matter was not related to the Ministry of Justice. You must inquire with the Attorney General's Office. Because it is part of the justice process and confirmed that the Ministry of Justice does not have the authority to consider which is the power of the Attorney General to make decisions Pol.Col. Thawee stated that in the justice process Criminal cases provide an opportunity for all parties to seek justice. Both the accused and the accused You can always apply for justic e. There is no ban at any stage. and the power of consideration belongs to the Attorney General as well. When asked if this kind of behavior would require changing the caseworker or not, Pol. Col. Thawee said that he did not know the details. And from listening to the spokesperson of the Attorney General's Office, he has not received the matter yet. So I haven't seen the details yet. So I don't want to answer. So I don't want to answer hypothetical questions. because it may be confusing In the past, there have been requests for justice from the Attorney General in every case. But it's not news. As for the claim that Has the NCPO intimidated investigators into listening or not? Pol. Col. Thawee stated that the main issue regarding the investigation is like it or not. It is the cornerstone of a criminal case. For example, do the investigating officers have authority? or investigating officer Proper investigation or not? whether it be an investigator or a witness or any other part that got involved causing coe rcion or any action to create motivation This is an issue where justice can be requested. When asked about the Section 112 case of Mr. Thaksin through the police. Become a host In reporting the case at that time, Pol.Col. Thawee said that the power of investigation There will be only investigators. Soldiers are not investigators. And if it's a special case It will be the power of the Department of Special Investigation. This is considered a normal procedure. The Minister of Justice emphasized that the investigation process will be the police or the Department of Special Investigation or DSI. Others do not have the authority to investigate. Except for specific matters, adjustments to the investigation of the Police Commission can be made. As for having the police file the case at that time Is it considered legal or not? Pol. Col. Thawee said that he could not conclude that he had to go see if he was going to fight. whether the investigation has authority and is lawful or not In the case of coercion or persu asion, it is considered a question of whether it is right or not. It is an issue in the details of each story. Source: Thai News Agency