“Madame Dear” campaigning for Wat Sai market, asking for another chance for the Democratic Party


Bangkok, April 30 – “Madame Dear” walks in the morning market at Wat Sai. Help campaign to support "Wanicha Muangsiri" and ask for another chance for "Democrat" by selecting real workers. no space

On April 30, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. at Wat Sai Market, Chom Thong District, Bangkok, Ms. Watanya Bunnag, Chairman of the Political Innovation Working Group Democrat Party, green card number 26, greets the people Vendors in Wat Sai market To help campaign for support for Ms. Wanitcha Muangsiri, candidate for MP for Bangkok, Chomthong-Bangbon District, purple card number 9 at the same time, Ms. Watanya and Ms. Wanitcha Young listen to the echoes of problems and sufferings from the people who walk in to reflect and listen along the campaign trail

After that, Ms. Watanya and Ms. Wanitcha continued to travel to the Bang Bon Villa community, Bang Bon District to meet with the people. May 14th will be another important day. It's the day that we can choose our own future. Choose the future of the country. However, the matter of politics is closer than we think. Many people may be wondering. After the election, will it really change? The selection of MPs who will represent us It's closer than we thought. Because one of the duties of an MP is to be a voice for the people in the House of Representatives. Bringing people's suffering problems, so if we have MPs who care and work hard, our problems will be solved. Like today we found PM 2. dust. 5 as dangerous as death in installment and in the past the council A clean air law has been introduced. but cannot go into the meeting agenda Because politicians who only think of their own interests play political games As we saw the news at the end of the council term There were frequent council collapses. Therefore, the clean air law that benefits the people is not considered by the House of Representatives.

Ms. Watanya continued that on May 14, who we will choose is a matter that must be carefully thought out. It's not like going to choose anyone according to the trend because some MPs we have elected him. MPs who already have our voices Did he come back and look at us? We will choose the people who work Or choose someone who is in the flow On social media, on TV, where he's really on top. Didn't come down to take care of us at all. Especially on the days when we are difficult, but he is confident that the Muangsiri family Is one of the answers that have been proven that even in the past 4 years, although the Muangsiri family is not an MP, they have never abandoned the people of Bang Bon. This is an important proof of determination. But willpower alone is not enough. Because there must be consistency Because politics is about long-term work. to achieve continuous push Today, he asked for another chance with the Democratic Party. Although in the past the Democrat Party has no MPs in the Bangkok area, but is confident that the people of Bangkok is the breath of the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party has never abandoned the people and is also the party that understands the people of Bangkok the most

While Ms. Wanitcha said that she was an ordinary person like everyone else, graduated, worked, got married and had a family. Which today he stepped out here because they are ready to help society His family consisted of children and the elderly. And in the past, when he went to the area, he met with many elderly people. which now Thai society is stepping into an aging society He wanted the elderly to receive good welfare. Have a good end of life, have dignity, not be a burden to children Including we still have to take care of the children. which is the future of the nation for him to grow with quality is an important force for the nation in the future, so he would like everyone to give the opportunity because he had the intention There is determination and sincerity to take care of Bang Bon area. which the Democratic Party has already given the new generation a chance But now the only thing missing is the lack of opportunities. Today, we must ask for opportunities from everyone. Let everyone give themselves and the Democrat Party a chance to take care of it. Then we will come together to make our house better. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency