“Madame Dear” begs the people of Bangkok to choose a democrat.


Madame Dear” pleads with the people of Bangkok to elect Democrat No. 26 to share the past, present and future with the people. Revealing that some parties encourage capitalists to make high electricity bills Compressing politicians has no right to expel anyone from the country – stop discourse on “national hatred”

Miss Watanya Bunnag, Chairman of the Political Innovation Working Group Bangkok Democrat gave a speech at the Thonburi side by asking the people who attended the speech Is it hot, but he is confident that the end of this month all of us will Cold because I saw the electricity bill And it will get colder and colder because the FT value will not go up until the end. And it's not just the cost of electricity. But there is also a higher gas cost that we use to cook. Food became more expensive. And this more expensive item becomes only 10% of the capitalist's income of the country, but the other 90% of people like us are poorer every day because we have some political parties in the past. some politicians Volunteer for political work But in the end, when he entered power, entered the council, he went to take advantage of himself. to help capitalists monopolize power Raising money for capitalists but did not see the heads of the people

Ms. Watanya continued that in the past there were some political parties. claiming to be from the people He said he wore a democracy shirt. But when he came to power, went to the parliament, went into government, went back to corrupt policies. benefit for the party while the other party said that he had to come in to choose peace But ended up in a quiet economy. The conflict escalated even more. We revolve around corruption and corruption that lead to the conditions of the coup. and monopolize power Encouraging capitalists and returning to a vicious cycle over and over again So it's time for us to change. and if we want an honest political party The political party that comes from the power of the people, that party is the Democrat Party, number 26.

“Political parties must listen to the voices of all people. because the people own the country own sovereignty If we are to present ourselves as a democratic politician One thing that politician must know. under Thai society under a society inevitably has a variety have different opinions But who will have different opinions? He is a citizen of Thailand. There is no right to expel anyone from the country. We do not have the right to label anyone as racist. And Dear is confident that he is not racist. But he hates crooked and corrupt politicians, ”said Ms Watanya.

Miss Watanya also said that with political parties trying to push people of different opinions into enemies This will not happen with the Democratic Party. Because the Democratic Party listens to the voices of everyone, every generation, every group, and is truly the political party of every group of people, and emphasizes that the Democratic Party is a political party that has no owner. It is a party formed by the people. having a past with the people And today we are present with the people. And from now on, the Democrat Party will have a future with the Thai people. Therefore, when we know that sovereignty belongs to the people We must choose a party that belongs to the people. Respect the voice of the people without discriminating against the people. to want to create righteousness for oneself Therefore, on May 14, all of us, the people, will enter the booth to reclaim the power of the people in our hands. By choosing the Democratic Party number 26, check the green card.

For the atmosphere around the King Taksin Monument area, Wong Wian Yai, this evening, the people of Bangkok. both from the Phra Nakhon side and the Thonburi side including the fans Party supporters who traveled to the speech remained steadfast as the speech filled the area. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency