Haaland scores 5 goals as Manchester City beat Luton Town 6-2


England, Erling Haaland exploded in form, scoring 5 goals, helping Manchester City defeat Luton Town 6-2, while Newcastle beat Blackburn Rovers in a penalty shootout. S in the FA Cup, Round 5 England's FA Cup football, round 5 or round of 16, Luton Town meets Manchester City, 3rd minute, Kevin de Bruyne opens for Erling Haaland, striker of the Norwegian national team. Scored with his left to give Manchester City a 1-0 lead in the 18th minute. Kevin De Bruyne opened the gap for Erling Haaland to pull into the penalty area. Before scoring with his left to score the 2nd goal in this match, giving Manchester City a 2-0 lead in the 40th minute, Kevin De Bruyne stabbed through the hole for Haaland to snatch in and score the 3rd goal, making it a hat-trick in this match. Manchester City led 3-0, which was City's 8th hat-trick in the game. In the 45th minute, Jordan Clark struck with a right shot from 25 yards and the ball flew into the net for Luton to go up 1-3 at the half. After 52 minutes, City's goalkeeper Ste fan Ortega Clearing the ball without missing a beat, Ross Barkley poked the ball in for Jordan Clark to score with his right for the second goal of the match for Luton to go up 2-3, but only 3 minutes later, Kevin de Bruyne's assist was the 4th goal for Haaland to clear in front of goal for the 4th goal in this match, giving Manchester City a 4-2 lead in the 58th minute. Bernardo Silva flowed for Haaland to catch the ball. One moment before pressing with the left past Tim Krul for the 5th goal in this match, Manchester City led 5-2, which was the second time Haaland had scored 5 goals in one match, after defeating Leipzig 7-0 in Last season's UEFA Champions League, in the 72nd minute, Mateo Kovacic struck with his right outside the box to score the final goal, helping Manchester City to attack 6-2 and successfully advance to the quarter-finals. Another pair, Blackburn Rovers, opened Ewood Park to meet Newcastle United. The first half was still tied 0-0. In the second half, in the 71st minute, Anthony Gordon scored wide right in front of the goal. Going in to give Newcastle a 1-0 lead, then in the 79th minute, the local fans cheered throughout the stadium from the moment Sammy Smodics followed in and repeated his teammate's shot to score a 1-1 draw. Extra time must be added to determine the winner. During extra time, both teams had a chance to score the winning goal. But still saved by the goalkeepers of both teams, the game ended 120 minutes and had to be decided by a penalty shootout. By Newcastle, Anthony Gordon scored to give the team a 4-3 lead before Newcastle goalkeeper Martin Dubravka Will come to save the shot of Dominic Hayam, the captain of the local team, helping Newcastle win 4-3, advancing to the final 8 and having a chance to win the first major championship. Since winning the latest championship In the FA Cup in 1955, defeating Manchester City 3-1. As for the other result, Bournemouth lost to Leicester City in extra time 0-1. The draw for the last 8 teams will take place tonight. Source: Thai N ews Agency