“General Kriangkrai”, the vice chairman of the Senate, enters the Royal Thai Army Headquarters to pay respect to King Rama V.


'Gen. Kriangkrai' entered the Royal Thai Army to pay respect to King Rama V, asking to work as the Vice President of the Senate smoothly before discussing with the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army to continue the work of the Southern Border Provinces, planning to visit the area with 'Anutin-Phetphun', while 'Big To' confirmed that he would always give encouragement. General Kriangkrai Srirak, the Deputy Speaker of the Senate and former Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army, paid homage to the statue of King Rama V for good fortune as he assumes the position. He also met with General Jeronchai Hinthao, the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army, to discuss continuing work in the three southern border provinces. General Kriangkrai revealed that he traveled to ask for blessings and pay homage to the statue of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) inside the Royal Thai Army Headquarters because he graduated from the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy (CRMA), where His Majesty is his spiritual support and where he was born. He came to ask for blessings so that his future work would be successful and smooth. "Today, I have come to the army area, so I have to inform the army commander and have had the opportunity to meet and talk with the army commander about the security in the 3 southern border provinces. In the past, we have always discussed this issue. I would like to continue the work to be completed, such as talking to create peace in the area, controlling the area to create security," said Gen. Kriangkrai. Gen. Kriangkrai added that today he had come to exchange ideas with the Army Chief and believed that there would be an opportunity to visit the area together, including Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Minister of Interior, and Pol. Gen. Phrompoen Chidchob, Minister of Education, who also went to solve the problems in the three southern border provinces. Gen. Kriangkrai continued that the issue of solving the problems in the 3 southern border provinces is not just the military moving forward. All relevant ministries, departments, and agencies must integrate and work together, including politics, military, police, and administration, must move forward together. All must focus on the area in order to successfully solve the problems. The Army Chief has always encouraged me, while the media is also important because it will help create understanding, awareness, and unity in the southern border provinces. In fact, I would like to sit on the military committee, but as the Vice President of the Senate, I cannot accept this position. I believe that in the future, I will have the opportunity to travel to the 3 southern border provinces with the Army Chief. Gen. Jeronchai added that he had always encouraged Gen. Kriangkrai and had always had the opportunity to meet and talk to him. - 313 .-Thai News Agency Source: Thai News Agency