Deposit 200 new senators to select good and capable people to sit as the president and vice president of the upper house.


Bangkok, "Thanakorn" asks 200 new senators to select good people with ability, who are accurate in laws and regulations to sit as the president and vice president of the upper house. He believes that the country's interests come before their occupations. He asks that there be no negotiations for the seats, fearing that it will open the way for political groups to interfere. Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana, MP for the party list and deputy leader of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party (RTSC), said that after the Election Commission (EC) announced the certification of senators and opened the registration of all 200 members, the next step is to hold a meeting and select the president and vice president of the Senate. He said that there are currently several candidates for president and vice president. He believes that the person who is suitable to be the president of the Senate should be someone who understands and is accurate about the laws, regulations, and various agendas. He believes that he should be someone who c an control the quorum and atmosphere of the meeting to ensure smoothness and order. Thanakorn also said that he would like to advise those who will be the president and vice president of the Senate, including all senators, to work with the interests of the country and the people first. They should be representatives of professional groups that have been elected because the senators must consider important laws for all people, not just a specific group. In addition, there are rumors of senators forming groups to negotiate in the vote for the president and vice president of the Senate. He believes that this should not happen in the upper house, which should be independent and free from bargaining for benefits in exchange for positions, in order to perform duties with dignity and acceptance by the people and society. 'There is news that there is a group of senators to negotiate for the Senate president, which should not happen because the upper house should be independent, not dependent on any group or faction . If they allow the use of benefits to exchange for positions from the first step, it may open the way for political groups from the lower house to interfere in the upper house, which is a concern that should not happen. I would like to see white senators who are independent and adhere to the principle of working for the people,' said Mr. Thanakorn. Source: Thai News Agency