Confident that Budget 67 will be discussed without any problems. The minister is well prepared and ready to explain.


Government whip confident that Budget 67 will be discussed without problems. Minister is well prepared and ready to explain. There is no need to set up a bodyguard. I believe the opposition party will not touch Thaksin because it is not a platform for questioning. Mr. Wisut Chaiyarun, Vice Chairman of the Coordinating Committee (WIP) of the coalition government, mentioned the preparation for debate on the draft Budget Act for fiscal year 2024 that the government side is not worried about anything. Because various pieces of information What budget will the government use? As for the minister Send important topics In preparation for the debate supporting the government And most of the new generation MPs learn quickly, are knowledgeable, interested, and attentive. When they know that When considering the draft budget bill, there was a study into groups to determine who would discuss what issues. 'More confident than ever before. Because there was good preparation and the minister cooperated well. Therefore, w e believe that considering this budget There's no problem. Absolutely,' Mr. Wisut said. As for the discussion of the budget of the Department of Corrections and the connection to Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, the Deputy Chairman of the Government Whip said that it is about Mr. Thaksin. Many people came out to say that there was a benefit. But I would like to go back and see that the Royal Prison regulations have been issued since 2017. So I would like to ask whether they have been prepared for Mr. Thaksin or not. Because Mr. Thaksin is one of those who benefit from the issuance of such regulations. Therefore, if we bring this matter up to destroy The other prisoners who had problems also had to suffer the same problem. 'This matter must be considered not done for Mr. Thaksin. And at that time I wanted to ask what regulations were issued during the era when who was Prime Minister and for whom? Therefore, you should not touch it to cause problems. It is believed that the opposition should debate the budget. By crit icizing the budget How is it inappropriately organized? I believe that the new generation of politicians Probably won't bring up the matter. that are not related to the budget to be discussed in the House of Representatives,' Mr. Wisut said. Mr. Wisut believes that the opposition and the Kao Kao Party are well prepared. And don't let politics come into play. Its duty is to monitor the use of the budget only. which the government and relevant ministers must listen to and believed that it would be beneficial to the nation 'I believe that it will be beneficial to the nation, not to play politics in the parliament. It's not yet time for a no-confidence debate. You can wait, and I believe that Only the budget will be discussed. And I don't see the need for any kind of bodyguard. Because it is not a debate of no confidence. And as far as I know Everyone is confident. in preparation and I said that you must prepare to explain. The opposition must have a normal debate. Every time we are in opposition You have to ch eck to see what the issue is. Use your budget to your advantage. I am confident that all ministers have prepared well. In order to clarify this matter It is the duty of the minister to explain and we, as government MPs, must look at what is seen as beneficial and must speak, not to support every issue. But we might say that it should be like this in order to bring maximum benefit to the people,' Mr. Wisut said. For the case where the opposition warns that The government should take a good look at the budget. Government officials may have to insert money into the budget. Mr. Wisut said that the Pheu Thai Party has specifically instructed MPs to Who will become the Budget Commissioner? that there should be an inspection and follow-up on budget proposals Let there be a loophole. Please check carefully. Don't skip the meeting, even if you're tired. Pay full attention and check it out. If there is any information If there is any help from the council, please let us know so that we can help each other. Therefore, we are confident that there should not be a problem and there is no need to worry. When asked whether there must be any clarification on claiming benefits or not. Because there have been lessons learned in the past, Mr. Wisut said he thinks there should not be any more in terms of receiving any benefits. considered inappropriate and should not have any benefits related to the contract or coming to find food which they are already disgusted with these things And in the case that happened, it is a matter that must be proven. Because there was talk on both sides, with one side saying that there was a demand for benefits. The other party said that there was none, which we were not at the event. 'I believe that this time Both the opposition and the government will probably cooperate in examining the work of government departments as well. You cannot blame only the politicians themselves. Because clapping with one hand is never loud. There must be cooperation. And we believe that Budgeting this time According to the policy of the government and the Prime Minister I'm sure it will be helpful. and definitely come to solve the nation's problems,' Mr. Wisut Said.-312. Source: Thai News Agency