Call on the government to urgently establish a disaster center to support workers


Labor Committee calls on the government to urgently establish a disaster center to support workers as a large number of workers have been laid off. Mr. Pipit Rattanarak, MP of Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party, as Vice Chairman of the Labor Committee, along with Mr. Samart Jenchaijitwanich, Advisor to the Labor Committee, jointly announced that the Committee had received complaints from a large number of laid-off workers. Therefore, the Committee believes that the government should set up a disaster center to support workers because nowadays, many factories are laying off workers. Even stable companies are laying off workers. Therefore, the government must come in and help these workers. In the past, when disasters occurred, the government was able to set up a relief center. Therefore, a labor relief center should be set up as well. Mr. Samart said that the center should consist of several agencies, including the Ministry of Labor, which must be the host in terms of job placement and compensation, the Ministry of Public Health, which will help with mental health, and the Ministry of Justice, which will look into legal issues in filing lawsuits in cases where employers refuse to pay compensation. Therefore, a disaster center should be set up urgently for this issue. We should also consider whether the government's policy of a minimum wage of 400 baht will cause many factories to relocate their production bases to other countries. I don't want to see anyone cry or die over this issue. All labor committee members are ready to help, but since the power is only the legislative branch, we have to give our voice to the government to act. Reporters reported that Mr. Samart has opened a clip of laid-off workers expressing their feelings about being laid off from a large factory.-315.-Thai News Agency Source: Thai News Agency