“Big Tin” inspects the Royal Thai Army. Satisfied with the military’s role in politics.


The Royal Thai Army sends a horse-drawn carriage and horse team to lead the procession to receive "Big Tin" for an inspection visit, giving him 5 honorary pins, pleading with the government to support the central budget, accepting that he can't manage the 2024 budget in time, while "Suthin" is satisfied. The role of the military in politics Please be patient. As for politics, they do not create conditions that lead to problems.

12 Oct. 2023 at 2:00 p.m., Mr. Suthin Klangsaeng, Minister of Defense and the group inspected the Royal Thai Army Headquarters. official After accepting the position of Minister of Defense with General Charoenchai Hinthao, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army welcome

The Army organized a horse carriage and a group of 47 horses to lead the procession to wait in front of the Royal Thai Army gate on Ratchadamnoen Road. When Mr. Suthin arrived, he boarded the horse carriage into the assembly area to inspect the guard of honor.

Mr. Suthin then paid homage to the King Rama V monument and sacred objects within the Royal Thai Army. Before listening to a briefing on the mission of the Army Headquarters Watch the video of the readiness to deliver operational policies to the Royal Thai Army Headquarters.

In this regard, the Royal Thai Army has awarded special talent marks to honorary parachutists. Honorary Assault Badge By the Infantry Center, EOD emblems by the Royal Thai Army Ordnance Department. mine war symbol by the Royal Thai Army Engineer Department and pilot insignia by the Royal Thai Army Aviation Center

Later, Mr. Suthin gave a press conference that today there would be a meeting with the Prime Minister at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. So it doesn't take long. Today is considered a visit to the Royal Thai Army. according to the work plan and according to custom

“I was excited when I came to ride the horse carriage. When I was a child, I used to sit at home. But it's not a chariot of honor. Then I was impressed by the welcome of the Royal Thai Army. Received honor and cooperation Satisfactory

Today we saw the strength of the army. And the most important thing was to see the policy response. From the report, when viewing the exhibition, we learned that the government policies given were already far in advance. The rest will be smooth. Because the government's policy is consistent with the army's policy. In addition, many problems and needs of the army were learned. ready to be edited Support a modern military that can be relied upon by the people.

As for the policy regarding land in the possession of the military, The army is trying to isolate many areas. This is not specific to the area of Udon Thani Province. Where is the land actually used? Where it is not used, it is selected in many areas. which is royal property

of the Treasury Department where there are people Some areas are in dispute with citizens. If the army is to be returned, the dispute must be resolved first. Delivered to the Treasury Department"

Mr. Suthin further stated that as for the Army's needs, he did not ask for anything, but asked for the 2024 budget that will be submitted to the House of Representatives. Because there are many limitations. I'm afraid that I won't be able to manage the budget in time. The government and the Minister of Defense may have to help with the central budget or any budget that can help fill it smoothly. As for next year's budget, it will be left to the political department to help consider. On the basis of reasons and results, which he agreed to explain to the army in every aspect, including equipment, he was to buy only what was necessary. And it is a budget that is worthwhile, transparent and can be verified. It is a principle that we work together. While helping to alleviate public disasters, If the armed forces do not have enough budget, the government will use the central budget to support them.

Mr. Suthin admitted that today he did not discuss the Army's combat power development plan. Regarding the purchase of helicopters and tanks to replace old ones, details were not given. Which will be discussed in detail next time.

In this case, at the time of depositing with the Army which is the main agency that uses a large number of soldiers Therefore, it will be reduced or adjusted to be completely voluntary. The Royal Thai Army will be the main force, so leave the Army Commander in mind to help think and help do it. and lead other forces in the same direction

As for whether he is satisfied with the role and position of the military in politics, Mr. Suthin said that it was not just him who was satisfied. In this way, he touched and looked at the people and was satisfied. and believe that some missions Today, the key policy priority is to modernize the armed forces to fight new threats. Some missions that the people criticize The army already knows. And I don't want to do it. I leave it to you to be patient. and block it a lot That's it.

When asked whether this government will not create conditions that will lead to problems of the past, Mr. Suthin stated that the people's side and our side You have to do that. Clapping with one hand won't be loud. Both sides must help each other.

When asked if there must be restraint from both sides, Mr. Suthin said that cooperation must be done. It's not repression. Do not allow unwanted missions to occur.

Source: Thai News Agency