“Big Joke” bailed in money laundering case Said he was still innocent.


Bangkok, "Big Joke" bailed in money laundering case. Refrain from answering details Said he's still innocent because he is in the process of being accused Confirm compliance with the law normal finger print Later, Police General Surachet Hakphan, Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police (Deputy Police Commander) came to acknowledge the charges after the Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant. Reporters reported the atmosphere that The area in front of Tao Poon Police Station was followed by a large number of members of the media. Police officers were deployed to strictly maintain order in front of the entrance. The media was not allowed to enter the police station. during which the accusation was reported Pol.Gen.Surachet Was in the interrogation room before walking out and entering the suspect control room to print fingerprints and returned to the interrogation room Then came out to give an interview to the media. It took more than 3 hours to report the charges. Pol. Gen. Surachet walked out of Tao P oon Police Station at 8:00 p.m., exiting through the door on the side of the building. Ready to give a short interview to the media saying that everything is now in the legal process. Today was a normal surrender. and was released on bail As for bail details, he would not like to disclose. When the reporter asked, Deny the accusations or not? Pol.Gen.Surachet He did not answer on this issue but confirmed that today he has entered the justice process. and was not worried about being dismissed from government service when asked what must be done after this Police General Surachet said that from now on he will travel to work as usual. When asked when the police would make another appointment? Pol. Gen. Surachet said that he did not yet know. When asked if there was information that he refused to take fingerprints or not, Pol. Maj. Gen. Surachet said that no, he followed the normal procedure. As for this matter, must it be reported to the Prime Minister or not? Pol. Gen. Surachet said that according to the proc ess, reports must be made according to the procedures. What day has not been specified yet? Will inform again When asked about the issuance of this arrest warrant Do you believe it is bullying? Pol.Gen.Surachet I still don't want to answer this issue. Please proceed according to the steps of the justice process. And today he used his right to bail out. Pol.Gen.Surachet In conclusion, he said According to the Thai justice system Currently in the process of being accused. Therefore, he is still considered innocent. While Pol. Maj. Gen. Namkiat Theerarojanaphong, Big Joke's close subordinate Walk behind and take you to the car. And before walking into the car, he told reporters that Today he came to support Big Joke. before closing the car door and driving away. Source: Thai News Agency