‘Bhoomtham’ travels through Phu Kradueng to find a way out of the cable car. Support sustainable tourism


Loei, 'Bhumitham' travels through Phu Kradueng to find the cable car exit. Support sustainable tourism, find a balance to be a hub for attracting tourists. Stimulating the Isaan economy Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Gave an interview after listening to a briefing on the construction of the cable car up Phu Kradueng. From the Special Area Development Administration for Sustainable Tourism (Public Organization) or DASTA at Phu Kradueng National Park, Phu Kradueng District, Loei Province However, this is a government inspection area where they are responsible for the 5 upper northern provinces. We have been listening to this story for a long time about Phu Kradueng. The problem with Phu Kradueng is that people want to come and see the nature that is the heritage of Thailand, which is beautiful and famous all over the world. It is a beautiful mountain. But there is difficulty in getting up. For young people there is no problem. But people who are old or not physically ready cannot go up. Today there are discussions in many sectors. received the opinion that There are both sides that support and sides that still have arguments. We do not reject different voices. I think I should find the best solution. Phu Kradueng National Park can solve the problem. to make all opinions unified It is an important flag that we discuss with all parties. But at the same time We also let the department that studies building the basket study ways to affect environmental problems and concerns of various people. as little as possible He has given confidence that the budget that has been approved by the Cabinet will be able to be implemented as quickly as possible, while at the same time allowing relevant government agencies to come up with plans for tourism operations. Must preserve the ecosystem Solve the problem of discomfort in many parts How to organize tourism so that it is safe, without waste or too much impact on the environment? The whole problem lies in management. It will make tourism and the environment go hand in hand. We will adjust He talked with a porter who is over 60 years old and still strong. It is a job that requires strength and potential to work. Society can survive and working people do not have to face the same hardships as before. If we can find a solution for him. He didn't object. Nowadays, there are fewer porters. If there are baskets, the government can arrange for them to make a living. You don't have to work as hard as usual. Because they know the forest and the trails best They are personnel who are a component of tourism's potential. He is good at protecting the environment. He is confident that the government, province, and all parties care about him and his health. and talked with an aunt who is an entrepreneur Nowadays there are fewer tourists. Hopefully, if we can attract more tourists, we will have a better chance. He talked with the provincial governor. Think about comprehensive travel. Consider the environment Let this be the tourism hub of the upper norther n region. If this can be done, it will attract tourists who want to visit Vientiane, Vang Vieng, Phu Kradueng and go to other places. Publicize it to tourists from around the world that How many days will it take to come here? How to get nature understand local culture 'If you can manage it in a balanced way, you can do it. Opposition is something that can happen in a democracy. Suvarnabhumi Airport is an example. We have been opposing it for 40-50 years. When it was time to act, many problems could be solved. He thinks that we listen to the voices of opposition and find a balance. Address your concerns and make adjustments. Everything can happen for sure. If it's successful, I'll be one of the first people to come and get on the cable car,' Mr. Phumtham said. Reporters reported that Mr. Phumtham then met with shop operators, porters and people in the area of ??Phu Kradueng District who came to warmly welcome him, a total of 1,000 people, who all wanted to build a cable car up to Phu Kradueng. To attract mo re tourists in the province Stimulate the economy in the area and nearby provinces Let them continue to feed their stomachs. Source: Thai News Agency

‘Bhoomtham’ travels through Phu Kradueng to find a way out of the cable car. Support sustainable tourism


Loei, 'Bhumitham' travels through Phu Kradueng to find the cable car exit. Support sustainable tourism, find a balance to be a hub for attracting tourists. Stimulating the Isaan economy Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Gave an interview after listening to a briefing on the construction of the cable car up Phu Kradueng. From the Special Area Development Administration for Sustainable Tourism (Public Organization) or DASTA at Phu Kradueng National Park, Phu Kradueng District, Loei Province However, this is a government inspection area where they are responsible for the 5 upper northern provinces. We have been listening to this story for a long time about Phu Kradueng. The problem with Phu Kradueng is that people want to come and see the nature that is the heritage of Thailand, which is beautiful and famous all over the world. It is a beautiful mountain. But there is difficulty in getting up. For young people there is no problem. But people who are old or not physically ready cannot go up. Today there are discussions in many sectors. received the opinion that There are both sides that support and sides that still have arguments. We do not reject different voices. I think I should find the best solution. Phu Kradueng National Park can solve the problem. to make all opinions unified It is an important flag that we discuss with all parties. But at the same time We also let the department that studies building the basket study ways to affect environmental problems and concerns of various people. as little as possible He has given confidence that the budget that has been approved by the Cabinet will be able to be implemented as quickly as possible, while at the same time allowing relevant government agencies to come up with plans for tourism operations. Must preserve the ecosystem Solve the problem of discomfort in many parts How to organize tourism so that it is safe, without waste or too much impact on the environment? The whole problem lies in management. It will make tourism and the environment go hand in hand. We will adjust He talked with a porter who is over 60 years old and still strong. It is a job that requires strength and potential to work. Society can survive and working people do not have to face the same hardships as before. If we can find a solution for him. He didn't object. Nowadays, there are fewer porters. If there are baskets, the government can arrange for them to make a living. You don't have to work as hard as usual. Because they know the forest and the trails best They are personnel who are a component of tourism's potential. He is good at protecting the environment. He is confident that the government, province, and all parties care about him and his health. and talked with an aunt who is an entrepreneur Nowadays there are fewer tourists. Hopefully, if we can attract more tourists, we will have a better chance. He talked with the provincial governor. Think about comprehensive travel. Consider the environment Let this be the tourism hub of the upper norther n region. If this can be done, it will attract tourists who want to visit Vientiane, Vang Vieng, Phu Kradueng and go to other places. Publicize it to tourists from around the world that How many days will it take to come here? How to get nature understand local culture 'If you can manage it in a balanced way, you can do it. Opposition is something that can happen in a democracy. Suvarnabhumi Airport is an example. We have been opposing it for 40-50 years. When it was time to act, many problems could be solved. He thinks that we listen to the voices of opposition and find a balance. Address your concerns and make adjustments. Everything can happen for sure. If it's successful, I'll be one of the first people to come and get on the cable car,' Mr. Phumtham said. Reporters reported that Mr. Phumtham then met with shop operators, porters and people in the area of ??Phu Kradueng District who came to warmly welcome him, a total of 1,000 people, who all wanted to build a cable car up to Phu Kradueng. To attract mo re tourists in the province Stimulate the economy in the area and nearby provinces Let them continue to feed their stomachs. Source: Thai News Agency