BE8 aims for this year’s revenue to grow 40%, benefiting from “Virtual Bank-Cyber ??Security”


Bangkok, BE8 meets with investors, reinforcing confidence. Declare that this year's growth will be strong, benefiting from global mega trends. Pointing out that both public and private organizations are heading towards the Digital Transformation era. full model Especially investing in additional areas of "Virtual Bank-Cyber ??Security", targeting revenue growth of 40% and continuing to join hands with partners to invest abroad. To raise the level of comprehensive service Respond to customer needs Mr. Abhisek Devindabhakti, Chief Executive Officer of Beryl 8 Plus Public Company Limited or BE8, presented information on the 2023 operating results and business direction of the BE8 Group at the Opportunity Day event for listed companies meeting investors (Opportunity Day), giving advice. Trust investors that This year's business trends Still in line with the target for continued revenue growth. Most organizations still have a desire to invest in new innovations. To increase competitiveness in both technology Digi tal marketing heading towards the Digital Transformation era full model which is considered a global mega trend The company aims for revenue to grow 40%. Mr. Abhisek further said that this year will also see images of increased investment in technology by various organizations. Especially investment by financial institutions After the Ministry of Finance announced the criteria for establishing a branchless commercial bank (Virtual Bank) and investing more in cyber security for various organizations, the BE8 group is well equipped with personnel and an experienced team to support it. Providing services As an expert and consultant on overall strategy planning and various technology systems At present, the BE8 group already has customers who are large financial institutions. In addition, the company continues to join hands with partners to invest abroad. To raise the level of comprehensive service Respond to customer needs Currently, the company has a backlog worth 1,864 million baht and is in the process of bidding for many government and private jobs. Total value is more than 5,462 million baht, which will support the BE8 group's income to grow continuously. At present, the main income structure comes from income from strategy and technology consulting. Last year there was an income of over 1,098 million baht, followed by income from the technology service group in terms of sales and rental of usage rights, 740 million baht, and income from system administration. Technology and technology personnel recruitment 570. 37 million baht . Source: Thai News Agency