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Child Pornography is a worrying issue. born to children around the world

?? Child Pornography: Pornography of children under the age of 18, most of which are ignorant. And nowadays there is a trend of media consumption. Sexual acts of younger children are becoming more and more common.

?? According to statistics from INHOPE, a hotline that fights child sexual abuse and exploitation.

An analysis of the problem of pornography was done. Informed in 2021, 81% of child pornography Children under the age of

13, followed by 18% were children between the ages of 14 and 17, demonstrating the popularity of child pornography.

Most of the children are getting younger, including 96% of the victims are girls.

?? Child Pornography is media or things related to the sexual acts of children in terms of obscenity and all kinds of pornography is considered an offense under the law. Since the possession kept watching publishing or trading

?? Whether in the form of documents, books, pictures, photographs, paintings, prints, movies, audio clips, video clips,

including saving them on a computer system, smartphone or uploading them to various places.

?? The best protection is

??? 1. Parents closely monitor their children.

??? 2. Notice the symptoms of depression. and abnormalities of children when playing on mobile phones or computers.

??? 3. Pay attention to the children to be able to consult about everything.

??? 4. Let the child be careful. Do not take photos or clips as per the solicitation.

? Before doing anything, you must think carefully. Because otherwise it may bring danger to us later.

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Source: Thai News Agency