Asking Student Loan Fund borrowers to repay their debts so that the next generation can borrow.


Parliament, "Natcha" implores student loan borrowers to repay debt so that students The next generation gets a loan. for the survival of the fund Mr. Natcha Boonchai Insawat, Bangkok MP, Progressive Party, as Chairman of the Social Welfare Committee House of Representatives issues a press conference asking borrowers Student Loan Fund (SLF) repay debt as specified. At the meeting of the Social Welfare Committee On the 14th Last May Two educational funds were discussed, consisting of the Fund for Educational Equality (EEF) and the Student Loan Fund (SLF). It is the main mechanism to help people with scholarships and educational expenses. Mr. Natcha said that the results from discussions at the meeting Student Loan Fund Now If no budget is received in 2026, the fund may not have a budget for citizens or students in the next generation to borrow. In 1996-2017, there was no budget approval to support the fund. Until 2018-2024, the fund can circulate the fund's money. manually There is no need to use government budget. But the current situation Funds have adjusted criteria Change the method Interest rate reduction and debt collection processes which has defaulted on repayment of more than 97,110 million baht, a fairly high amount of defaulted principal Mr. Natcha further said that at the committee meeting, there was an inquiry to the Student Loan Fund whether there was a request for a national budget or not. It was learned that in 2024 there was a request for approval of a budget of 5,000 million baht, but it was not approved. In 2025, the Student Loan Fund asked for approval of a budget of over 19,000 million baht to help the fund, but it is likely that only 1,000 million baht will be allocated, which It is a matter of concern. However, if the fund is to survive, there are two methods: 1. The government must support the annual budget to the said fund. To drive and answer the needs of the people who want further scholarships 2. Create awareness among borrowers Because now if we compare the debt burden Regular empl oyees who have debt from the Student Loan Fund and have debt on their house, car, and credit cards. The order of debt settlement will be last. along with asking for help repaying debt to the Student Loan Fund to provide funding for the next generation to get loans and in order for the fund to continue to exist. Source: Thai News Agency