Academics point out that “Pitha” can enter parliament immediately.


Bangkok, Academics point out that "Pitha" can enter parliament immediately. Today's verdict is a wake-up call for further steps towards returning to political form. It is a homework for the ruling party to work harder. Mr. Chatchai Na Chiang Mai, former spokesman for the Constitution Drafting Committee Referring to the case where the Constitutional Court ruled that Mr. Pitha Limjaroenrat Not disqualified from MP from holding ITV shares When a decision like this Mr. Pitha can immediately perform his duties in the House of Representatives because today there has been a statement. As for whether the decision of the Constitutional Court in Mr. Pitha's case will become a precedent for other cases, Mr. Chatchai said that the details of each person's facts will have to be looked at, whether they hold shares in media businesses or not. and whether the company has income from that business or not, therefore, details must be looked at on a case-by-case basis. Academics point out that the ruling has awakened "Kao Ka o" to return to political form. Mr. Chatchai sees the results of the political decision as saying that Mr. Pitha will be able to return to being a political voice on behalf of the Kao Kao Party. In principle, the Progressive Party would have Mr. Pitha return to be the leader of the party as usual. and probably played the role of opposition leader We will have to look at the form further to see if it is true or not. Looking at politics, groups that are popular in the Progressive Party are considered to be more encouraged. And it is a further homework for other political parties. Especially the government party has to work hard. Because the party has advanced like it has gained a major force. As for the case where there are still accusations of overthrowing the government of the Kao Klai Party, This case is a party matter. The minds of the judges of the Constitutional Court cannot be guessed. But I see that it is a big matter that must be interpreted heavily. Which will have to wait and see. Source: Thai Ne ws Agency

Academics point out that “Pitha” can enter parliament immediately.


Bangkok, Academics point out that "Pitha" can enter parliament immediately. Today's verdict is a wake-up call for further steps towards returning to political form. It is a homework for the ruling party to work harder. Mr. Chatchai Na Chiang Mai, former spokesman for the Constitution Drafting Committee Referring to the case where the Constitutional Court ruled that Mr. Pitha Limjaroenrat Not disqualified from MP from holding ITV shares When a decision like this Mr. Pitha can immediately perform his duties in the House of Representatives because today there has been a statement. As for whether the decision of the Constitutional Court in Mr. Pitha's case will become a precedent for other cases, Mr. Chatchai said that the details of each person's facts will have to be looked at, whether they hold shares in media businesses or not. and whether the company has income from that business or not, therefore, details must be looked at on a case-by-case basis. Academics point out that the ruling has awakened "Kao Ka o" to return to political form. Mr. Chatchai sees the results of the political decision as saying that Mr. Pitha will be able to return to being a political voice on behalf of the Kao Kao Party. In principle, the Progressive Party would have Mr. Pitha return to be the leader of the party as usual. and probably played the role of opposition leader We will have to look at the form further to see if it is true or not. Looking at politics, groups that are popular in the Progressive Party are considered to be more encouraged. And it is a further homework for other political parties. Especially the government party has to work hard. Because the party has advanced like it has gained a major force. As for the case where there are still accusations of overthrowing the government of the Kao Klai Party, This case is a party matter. The minds of the judges of the Constitutional Court cannot be guessed. But I see that it is a big matter that must be interpreted heavily. Which will have to wait and see. Source: Thai Ne ws Agency